When sitting, avoid soft chairs and couches, as these reverse the forward curve of the low back and neck, and aggravate spinal Subluxations and nerve pressure. Instead choose a straight backed chair and use a lumbar support cushion, small pillow, or folded towel behind the low back for support. Avoid prolonged periods of sitting by taking frequent breaks to walk or stretch. This includes sitting while traveling for longer distances in a car, or working at a computer.
Sitting loads the spine with increased pressure compared to standing. Since we’re not moving when sitting, the increased pressure will slowly be pressing fluid out of the discs, and loading the retaining ligaments that are trying to support the spine. Ligaments when held at their maximum stretch for a prolonged period will go through a further extension of their length, called creep. What happens is a gradual adaptation to the stresses of sitting, and a gradual creeping of spinal misalignments back to positions that the scar tissue remembers. When stretching, ligamentous creep can be a great asset, but when sitting, the load is challenging both the strong segments, and those with a memory of injury.
So remember, support the forward curve of the low back when sitting, and avoid pillows that flex the head forward, reversing the forward curve of the neck. Then set the alarm to get up and move every 35 minutes or so. After all, bodies are designed to move.